The fund raising has begun!
I’m travelling out to Rwanda in July to help street children that have been placed in the care of the street childrens centre. The older children struggle to acquire a skill to be able to integrate back into society. The workshop is to help and aid each person to mature educationally to be able to make sure they don’t go back out to a life of crime or drugs.
This is where my own personal workshop comes in handy, each student attending my workshop which is in a centre called Les Enfants de Dieu or “Children of God” based in Kigali, Rwanda will be trained in the decorating field so they can gain a skill enabling them to live a successful and fulfilling life. I am to train each person to be able to eventually run their own business as I do and in turn they are to help train others in the same situation they was once in whilst making a success of themselves.
I am volunteering my time. Every penny raised will go into the workshop enabling me to purchase paints, brushes and tools needed for the workshop to fully operate.
Most of the children have no family to turn too and this project is to ensure they keep their mental strength whilst keeping focused on a goal and of an achievement.
There are no easy access of jobs for these children and more so because of what the past brought, once they complete and pass the training my company Angels Painters & Decorators will issue them with a certificate of award for their participation and successful completion, this will enable them to take this to future customers or employers meaning they can work and be respected within the community, giving that person a sense of worth and purpose.A project close to my heart as in my early teens I was placed in care. I now have my own successful painting and decorating company, this is my way of giving back but of course I need your helpful donations to be able to make sure this can happen.